Marriott Harrison
Marriott Harrison
Marriot Harrison are a law firm based in Chancery Lane and they had a meeting room which was large and white and had a small window with a view of a concrete wall. They called it "God's own waiting room".
The senior partners called me in to see if I could add some art to make the space a bit nicer, and a room which they actually wanted to use - because space is expensive in London, especially if you're not using it. So I suggested two large paintings, one at either end of the room, and they had to be bright, colourful and abstract.
To add interest, Marriott Harrison decided to start a subscription and have the art changed every 6 months. Now the art changeover has become a bit of an event, and the office managers in particular like to see what's going up next. Plus the room is now being used and people actually like to go in there - task accomplished.
Marriott Harrison rent two large artworks for £200 a month, and they are rotated every 6 months.
“We are very delighted with the service that Art in Offices provides us. In particular, the Art In Offices teambuilding events provide the entire firm with an original and fun forum for letting off steam while engaging in some creativity”.